Смотрите последнее видео Interview with Jeff Goldsmith, Ph.D. Social, economic and technological aspects of healthcare
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Jeff Goldsmith, Ph.D., National Advisor for Healthcare for the firm Ernst and Young (1982 1994), Associate Professor of Medical Education in the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia, former Director of Planning and Government Affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center, and the recipient of the Corning Award for excellence in health planning, is sharing his rich experience and professional opinion on the wrongs and rights of the US Healthcare system, as well as the role of investments and technologies in healthcare, and why medicine is a human service, in the interview hosted by Sergey Avdeychik, Director of Healthcare Technologies at Andersen, and Member at Forbes Councils.

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0:00 Introducing Jeff Goldsmith

2:08 What is wrong with the US healthcare system?

5:05 Healthcare and society

5:52 Is all healthcare budget spent with purpose?

7:14 Changes in the US healthcare system

8:40 Public and private healthcare spending

10:02 The issue of timely routine care

11:35 Obamacare: achievements and gaps

14:29 Gaps that COVID19 revealed in the US healthcare

15:44 Input of businesses into healthcare and response to COVID19

18:48 Benefits of a centralized medical system

20:32 Areas of US healthcare which performed best during COVID19

22:18 Reducing healthcare administrative costs

24:07 The abandoned spirit of HIPAA

26:39 Controlling the expenses with technologies

29:07 Free healthcare for everyone?

30:14 3 pieces of a healthcare enterprise

32:20 To be or not to be (vaccinated)?

35:06 Definition of quality of medical care

37:14 Improving care process

40:21 Choosing the right digital tool

41:52 Investments in healthcare a bubble or a current trend?

48:26 Challenges of investing in healthcare

50:00 SpaceXs of healthcare

51:39 Sustainable way of healthcare digitalization

53:43 Investing in digital health

55:14 Medical education in the digital era

56:06 Future of healthcare

Источник: YouTube